Tuesday, February 6, 2018

NERVS update

Hi All, 

I hope you're well :) It has been a while since the last NERVS update through email.

Most recent NERVS pattern activity has been communicated through the NERVSupdate Twitter feed, with accurate precursors to the 5.x off the coast of Northern California 25 Jan 2018, and the 4.9 event off the coast of Oregon 28 Jan 2018. Though outside the NERVS protocol, a 3.7 event in Oklahoma yesterday is also notable.

Those events may have resolved recent precursor activity. However, the occurrence of ≥m7 events (7.6 in Honduras 9 Jan 2018, 7.3 near the coast of southern Peru 14 Jan 2018, and the 7.9 Gulf of Alaska quake 23 Jan 2018), along with ≥m6 events in Hindu Kush region, Fiji region, Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, and Taiwan yield the following NERVS update:

4.5 or greater magnitude in next 10 days:
- Primary vector: Offshore Northern California, Northern California, Southern California (including offshore), Central California (including offshore), Oregon (including offshore)
- Secondary vector: Nevada, Baja California, Gulf of California, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Oklahoma
- Also possible: Vancouver Island (Canada), Washington, Wyoming

An additional note: While outside the NERVS protocol, the activity off the coast of Honduras makes events in the Southern U.S. particularly interesting. As an adjunct to the main NERVS experiment, I'll be keeping an eye on any events that occur in Arkansas, Missouri, the Memphis metro area, northern Texas, or central Oklahoma, especially around Lake Texoma.


For those new to the list, NERVS stands for:
Numerical (or "non-scientific")
...and is based on prior California quakes being preceded by similar patterns of quakes in other areas.

Twitter Feed: To subscribe, please follow NERVSupdate

Thank you for participating in this experiment. Please reply by email to let me know if you'd like to add persons or be removed from this list.

