Saturday, July 14, 2012

NERVS update

Hi All, 

Quakes in the Kuril Islands, Bulgaria, Western Iran, the Reykjanes Ridge, the Western Indian-Antacrtic Ridge and a 5.6 quake in Myanmar yield the following NERVS update:

4.0 or greater magnitude in next 15 days:
- Primary vector: Northern California (including offshore), Central California (including offshore), Southern California (including Baja and offshore)
- Secondary vector: Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Utah
- Also possible: Alaska, Taiwan, Honshu, Hokkaido, Chile, Alaska, Kamchatka Peninsula


For those new to the list, NERVS stands for:
Numerical (or "non-scientific")
...and is based on prior California quakes being preceded by similar patterns of quakes in other areas.

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Nate Myers    408-974-9207    Apple Inc.